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Friday, May 2, 2008

Special Diet Can Ease Epileptic Seizures in Kids (HealthDay)

HealthDay - FRIDAY, May 2 (HealthDay News) -- The "ketogenic" diet, whichfeatures high levels of fat, low levels of carbohydrates and controlledprotein intake, helps control and prevent seizures in children withdrug-resistant epilepsy, a new study finds.

Recent studies show that among the factors that influence wholesale bulk shipping to australia health, the main factor- 43%,is represented by our lifestyle and nutrition. By controlling our lifestyle and nutrition buy wholesale glucosamine hcl become our health masters.

We can prevent the majority of the modern man diseases by having a balanced nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, the modern mans lifestyle is characterized by bad habits (smoking , alcohol, drugs), stress, conflicting states. Our diet is often poor in vitamins. Food is now chemically processed. We usually eat fast-foods and processed food, which is depleted in nutrients.

We are therefore confronted with a low natural protection capacity of the body. The natural protection capacity of the body is low because of the "toxic" food we consume coupled with insufficient nutrients in the food and oxidative stress. Under these conditions, our body needs help. We can help our body by consuming vitamins. Vitamins are organic substances that are essential for proper growth maintenance.

Vitamin information for your knowledge

The vitamins must be obtained from food because the body cannot produce them. There are four-fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and several water-soluble vitamins (the B-vitamins).

Vitamin A is retinol. Carotene compounds found in egg yolk, butter and cream are converted by the body into retinol. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that protects cells against oxidation damage that can lead to cancer. Beta-carotene is converted as needed to vitamin A. Food sources of Beta-carotene include: carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach and other leafy green vegetable and fruits like cantaloupes and apricots.

Vitamin B1 deficiency leads to Beri-beri-a disease of the heart and nervous system. buy wholesale gamma aminobutyric acid B2 known as Riboflavin is essential for the reactions of coenzymes. Vitamin B2 deficiency causes inflammation of the lining of the mouth and skin. Vitamin B3-Niacin is an essential part of coenzymes of body metabolism. Deficiency causes inflammation of skin, vagina, rectum, mouth as well as slowing down brain signal transmission. Vitamin B6 is a cofactor of the enzymes. Vitamin B12 is an essential factor in nucleic acid synthesis (the genetic material of all cells).

Vitamin C is important in the synthesis of collagen. It is also important because natural coffee extract bulk caffeine represents a great antioxidant. It is so important to our body that, when missing, it caused disorders. If we think buy bulk glycocyamine nutrition Scurvy - a disorder caused by lack of vitamin C - we become more buy wholesale ellagic acid powder of the great role that vitamin C plays to our body. Scurvy it was formerly encountered among sailors and soldiers. Symptoms include anemia; soft, bleeding gums; and bumps under the skin near muscles. Scurvy in early childhood can cause muscular-skeletal problems. Treatment is by including foods high in vitamin C supplements if needed. Vitamin C can be lost when smoking only one purchase bulk ellagic acid nutrition supplement Studies show that when smoking a cigarette a person loses 20% vitamin C.

Vitamin D promotes the assimilation and metabolism of and phosphorus. Vitamin E deficiency causes anemia. Vitamin K deficiency produces abnormal bleeding.

Vitamin supplementation for your protection

A great way to obtain nutrients is by vitamin supplementation. Our body needs vitamin supplementation for a better function and we may not be getting it from our diet. By consuming vitamins, we can obtain numerous health benefits. Vitamins increase our immunity and give us the energy we need to improve our mood. buy wholesale nutritional supplements online vitamins are beneficial to the human body so it would be better for us to consume a vitamin complex.

Consistent use of multivitamins and other key supplements can promote good health and help prevent disease, according to a comprehensive new report released by the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN). The report found that ongoing use of multivitamins (preferably with minerals) and other single-nutrient supplements (like calcium or folic buy wholesale arginine hcl ornithine hcl demonstrated quantifiable positive impact in areas ranging from strengthening the immune system of highly-vulnerable elderly patients, to drastically reducing the risk of neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida.

An energizing balance of vitamins, minerals and amino-acids is what we all need in order to be healthy.

You can get more vitamin information at author's website

Allan Tan Kim Kia is an nutrition scholar and author of Best Vitamin Supplements Guide who provides tips and advice how to choose and where to buy vitamin supplements online.